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Brochures are the difference between telling and showing. With a variety of design styles and paper stocks, your brand will come to life as you create an interactive experience for your customers.

Want something more than a simple postcard to keep customers engaged with your brand? If you want to avoid picking out a complex fold, try a half fold brochure!

Don't let the word "card" hold you back- a half fold brochure is a great way to upgrade a flyer into a much more engaging marketing piece.


Standard Sizes

8.5"  X  11"

Letter Size 

11"  X  17"

Tabloid Size 

Paper Stocks

Lightweight Matte & Glossy

60# Text

80# Text

Lightweight Premium

70# Text

100# Text

Heavyweight Matte & Glossy

90# Index

80# Cover

Heavyweight Premium

100# Cover

12 pt

Popular Folding Styles

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Half Fold

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Gate Fold


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Roll Fold

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Double Parallel Fold

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Door Hanger Brochures

Door Hangers are hand-delivered by your staff to homes or businesses. So you don’t engage anyone in conversation and there is no knocking or ringing door bells making them solicit free.

And now if you need extra space for information or coupons, consider using a Door Hanger Brochure and double your marketing space!

Learn more about

Door Hanger Brochures

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